1st Battalion
Tennessee Light Artillery
United States Volunteers
"If man is an angel, then he damn well must be a Killer Angel...."
"Buster" Kilrain in "The Killer Angels"

"Regan's Battery"
Originally mustered as Battery "D", 1st Tennessee Heavy
Artillery. This battery served in the District of North Central Kentucky from October 1863 until April, 1864. On December
31, 1863, under Captain Henry C. Lloyd, it was reported in Brigadier General Speed S. Fry's command, at Camp Nelson, Kentucky.
On January 1, 1864, General Fry was appointed to command the troops to march to Knoxville, and in the troops under his command
was listed the 1st East Tennessee Heavy Artillery, under Colonel Crawford, of which Battery "E" must have been a part, as
Crawford was really lieutenant colonel of the 1st Battalion Tennessee Light Artillery.
Dyer's Compendium shows service at Nashville from April
to August, 1864, although no mention of the battery was found in the Official Records for this period. On August 1, 1864,
Governor Andrew Johnson assigned Brigadier General Alvan C. Gillem to the command of troops known as the "Governor's Guard,"
to which batteries "E" and "G" were assigned, with orders to proceed to East Tennessee, "to kill or drive out all bands of
lawless persons, or bands which now infest that portion of the state." On August 3, Battery "E", under Lieutenant William
J. Patterson, was reported as part of the "Governor's Guard" at Bull's Gap. On September 3, one section of the battery, under
Captain William J. Patterson, was reported with Gillem in the fighting with Confederate General John Hunt Morgan, near Greeneville,
which resulted in Morgan's death. On October 28, the battery was reported near Morristown, and on November 12 was back at
Bull's Gap. The muster rolls of the battery indicate that Companies "E" and "G" were consolidated January 26, 1865.
On March 31, 1865, under Lieutenant James M. Regan,
the battery was reported as still in Gillem's Cavalry Division, and moved with him under Brigadier General W. M. Gardner into
North Carolina, and was engaged in the fighting which culminated in the capture of Salisbury, on April 12, 1865. It remained
in Gillem's Cavalry Division until June 26, 1865, when it was ordered to Nashville, to be mustered out of service.
History From The Tennessee General Web

District of North Central Kentucky, 1st Division, 23rd Army
Corps, Dept. of Ohio [October, 1863-April, 1864]
District of Nashville, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland
[April-August, 1864]
1st Brigade, 4th(Gillem's) Division, Cavalry Corps,
District of East Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland [August, 1864-July, 1865]

Duty in District of North Central Kentucky, at Booneville,
Camp Nelson, Flemingsburg, Mt. Sterling and Paris, KY [December, 1863-April, 1864]
Duty at Nashville and Bull's Gap, TN, [April-August,
Pursuit to Greenville, TN [August 21-23, 1864]
Blue Springs, TN [August 23, 1864]
Operations in East Tennessee [August 29-September 4,
Park's Gap and Greenville, TN [September 4, 1864]
Blue Springs, TN [September 6, 1864]
[This action resulted in the death of Brig. Gen. John Hunt Morgan, the Confederate raider]
Carter's Station, TN [September 30-October 1, 1864]
Operations in East Tennessee [October 10-28, 1864]
Clinch Valley, near Sneedville, TN [October 21, 1864]
Mossy Creek and Panther Springs, TN [October 27, 1864]
Morristown, TN [October 28, 1864]
Russellville, TN [October 28, 1864]
Operations against Breckenridge in East TN [November
4-17, 1864]
Bull's Gap, TN [November 11-13, 1864]
Morristown, TN [November 13, 1864]
Russellville, TN [November 14, 1864]
Strawberry Plains, TN [November 16-17, 1864]
Duty in East Tennessee [November, 1864-March, 1865]
Stoneman's Expedition from East Tennessee into Southwest
Virginia and Western North Carolina [March 21-April 25, 1865]
Wytheville, VA [April 6, 1865]
Martinsville, VA [April 8, 1865]
Shallow Ford and near Mocksville, NC [April 11, 1865]
Salisbury, NC Liberation of
Prisoner of War Camp [April 12, 1865]
Catawba River, NC [April 17, 1865]
Catawba River near Morgantown, NC [April 20, 1865]
Howard's Gap and Blue Ridge Mountains, NC [April 22,
Near Hendersonville, NC [April 23, 1865]
Duty in East Tennessee [April- June, 1865]
Ordered to Nashville, TN [June 25, 1865]
Mustered out at Nashville, TN [July, 1865]